Every morning we
should say to ourselves, "today I welcome this arrogant
person...and this dishonest person...and this angry person." For
regardless of their attitudes, these people are our brothers. They are
not evil, for they act out of ignorance.
And no one – however persuasive they may be – can force us to be angry or upset.
Whatever a person’s attitude may be, he and I have been created for cooperation. We are like feet, like hands, like eyelids, like the rows of the upper and lower teeth.
If I attack a brother, I am attacking all my brothers.
To be angry with a brother is to be angry with myself.
It is not the body, nor the personality that is the true self. The true self is eternal. Even on the point of death we can say to ourselves, "my true self is free. I cannot be contained."
Everything from the gods is full of Divinity – all the things that we have been given on earth. Even difficult events have a place in the whole. The Divine gifts are right here in our midst, joined together with invisible threads.
All things flow from the gods – all things in the universe, of which we are a part. If we were to learn just this, we would never again need books.
Remember how many moments you have been given, and how many are gone. Time is valuable – it should be used for the highest purpose. Every moment is an chance to clear the mind, and seek a state of calm.
Strive to do your work with feelings of peace – and give yourself freedom from all other thoughts. You deserve the freedom that a peaceful mind brings. If you seek only peace, you will see how easy it is to live a happy live – one that is like the life of the gods.
Do activities break you from your peace? If so, give yourself some quiet time to return to your path. If necessary, change directions or take up a new activity. The most important thing in life is to have a focus and purpose.
It’s not another person’s minds that destroys us, but our own. If we are watchful of our mind’s contents, we will rise above the troubles of the outside world.
Always remember your relationship to the Whole . You are part of the Whole, and cannot live without it. No one – no matter how powerful – can tear you from your place.
This moment may be your last on earth; remember this, and choose every thought and act carefully. Remember, too, that to leave the earth is nothing to be afraid of, for the nature of the Universe is eternal and good.
All earthly things disappear – first the bodies of men, and in time the memories of them. Seek what is eternal, and there you will find true peace.
Nothing is sadder than the man who goes around analyzing his neighbors’ actions, while failing to perceive the Divinity within.
Even if you were to live three thousand years, or thirty thousand years, remember that no one loses any other life except the one he’s living. The longest life and the shortest life lead to exactly the same end.
The present is the only thing of value. In the present everything is equal, and everyone is equal.
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
There are five things that cause the soul pain: One, when the soul tries to split itself off from the Whole. Two, when it turns away from its neighbors. Three, when it seeks after pleasure or pain. Four, when it supports dishonesty. And fifth, when it falls into aimlessness and lack of purpose.
Everything is in accord with nature, and nothing is evil which is in accord with nature. The philosopher keeps this in mind, and does not judge things falsely.
It is possible to see beauty in everything – in the fig, in the ears of corn bending down, in the lion's mane, in the foam which comes from a wild boar’s mouth. These things may not be beautiful by themselves, but if we perceive them as part of the larger Whole, we will begin to see them with fascination and wonder.
If a person has an appreciation and understanding of the Universe, there is hardly anything that won’t appear beautiful. Such a person will find equal pleasure in looking at paintings and wild animals. He will see in every person a sweet freshness and light. Vision will be his gift, and he will see beauty where others see nothing.
We must learn to train our minds, to avoid useless and painful lines of thought. We must learn to focus our minds on thoughts which bring us joy. A person with such a mind is a light to the community, and one who is using his gifts aright. Such a person understands that he is kin to all others. He knows that his role is to care for his neighbors without seeking their good opinion. He is neither shaken by praise nor blame.
Above all else, let the spirit within you be the guardian of your life. Tend to it, let it be the source of your peace. You will find happiness if you do not seek outside you for what is within.
If you can find anything in life that is better than truth and peace – then turn to it and enjoy it wholeheartedly. But if you find nothing as fulfilling as this, then put away all else. Simply and freely, choose the best thing and hold on to it. "But whatever is most helpful is best," you say. Then I say – keep what is most helpful to your higher self.
Never value the things that will force you to lie, lose self-respect, hate or deceive. Whoever values peace of mind and the health of the soul will live the best of all possible lives.
In the mind of one who has purified his thoughts, you will find nothing painful. This person will not fear death, but rather will see it like an actor whose time on the stage is done. There will be nothing in this person that is cowardly or fake, and nothing that needs to be kept in secret.
Each of us lives only in the present, this moment. All the rest is either past or uncertain.
If you do your work with clarity, keeping your spirit clean as if you might be asked to give it back, you will find peace. If you hold to this, expecting and avoiding nothing, but satisfied with this moment – you will live a happy life. And no one will be able to prevent you from living like this.
Just as physicians have their tools, so do you have tools for healing your mind. Try to remember the bond between humans and the Divine.
Let us live simply and modestly – and if anyone says that we do not live a simple, modest life, let us not be angry with him, nor change our direction. If we hold to our ideals we will move through life with purity and peace of mind.
Our spirit has the power to adapt itself to whatever may happen. For it requires nothing, and always moves toward its higher purpose.
Always live in accordance with your highest purpose and principles.
We seek quiet in the country, at the sea-shore, and in the mountains – but true quiet is found within. Whenever we choose, we can retreat to the quiet of the soul. Take frequent trips there, and let them be long enough to wash away the troubles of the world. Then return, happily, to the needs around you.
What can shake you? The cruelty of men? Remember that we have come here for each other, and that men act out of ignorance. Have mercy on them. Have faith.
Do not judge, and you cannot be hurt. The mind is a powerful instrument.
Everything happens within a larger Order. You will find this to be true if you watch the world carefully.
Don’t look at things the way wrong-doers do. Don’t look at things as wrong-doers want you too, either. Instead, strive to see things in truth, as they really are.
Within ten days you will appear as a saint – even to those who think you are a beast – if you return to your principles and live your life faithfully.
How peaceful it is to stop looking at what our neighbors say and do and think, and simply strive to bring our own lives into alignment with truth.
He who seeks fame forgets how short are the memories of men.
Blame and praise have no true effects. Is an emerald less lovely, if it is not praised? Or is gold less lovely, or ivory, or the color purple?
Everything is fitting for me, dear Universe. Nothing is too early or too late for me. Everything is fruit which your seasons bring.
Has someone done you wrong? It is to himself that he has done the wrong. See this, and you will have compassion.
Think of the Universe as one living being, having one body and soul. Observe how things are connected, and how things act together. See the beautiful web.
Be like the cliff against which the waves break – you can stand firm and calm amongst the noise.
Don’t say, "I am cursed, because this happened," but rather say, "I am blessed, although this happened to me." Can what has happened prevent you from acting as your highest self – kind, patient, trusting, and free? Nothing on earth can keep you from this.
In the morning, think to yourself, "I am called to serve the world today. The plants have their work; the birds have theirs; so do the ants, the spiders, and the bees. They have their part in helping the world, and so do I." Seek your form of contribution, and you will find it.
How simple life is for the disciplined mind. A disciplined mind can release every painful thought that enters into it, and to return to a state of perfect calm.
There is a type of person who, when he does something kind, says, "please remember that I’ve done this." Then there is another person who doesn’t say such words, but thinks them. Finally there is a person who – in a sense – is not even conscious of what he has done. Rather, he is like a vine which has silently offered its grapes, and asks nothing more in return.
Don’t give up if you fail to follow your principles – don’t give up, but simply pick yourself up and return to them. Remember that these principles are in line with your true self, and what you fell to was not.
See how sweet are generosity, freedom, kindness, purity – for what is sweeter than goodness itself?
For what purpose am I using my soul? This is a very important question.
As your stray thoughts are, so will your mind be. Dye it with a continual series of good and wholesome thoughts.
Things of the world cannot touch the soul. The soul can only touch itself.
Honor that which is the best in yourself.
You can have a happy life if you think in the right way and act in the right way.
Good fortune is a good attitude of the soul, plus good feelings and good actions.
The order of the Universe is benevolent, for it has no reason to be evil. All things are made and perfected by this order.
If you are serving your highest purpose, it will not matter if you are cold or warm, sleepy or awake, or whether people speak well or poorly of you. For you will be happy to simply do your work.
The best way of avenging yourself is to not become like your attacker.
Make this your goal: to pass from one meeting to another, thinking all the while of God.
Whenever something troubles you, quickly return to your higher thoughts and do not linger in discomfort. We will grow to be master of our state by turning back to peace.
This is what some men do: they refuse to speak good of their neighbors, yet they themselves set great value on being praised.
Even the lion’s jaws, poison, and every harmful thing are by-products of the highest order. Do not hate them, then, but look at them in a different context.
He who sees what exists right now has seen everything – for all things are of one source and one substance.
Reflect on the connection of all things in the Universe, and the relationship of all things to each other. In a way, all things are joined together and serve the greater good.
Love the people whom you have been given. Love them truly.
The power which made a thing is still within it. Such is true for all things in the universe.
If a bad thing happens to you, or if you lose a good thing, you will blame the gods and your brothers. However, if you choose not to judge certain things as good and certain things as bad, there will be no reason for upset or blame.
We are all working together toward the same goal – some with knowledge and awareness; others with ignorance, as though they are asleep. But we all cooperate, and even those who are asleep, the universe needs. Choose where you would take your post, for he who guides the whole will employ you properly.
Kindness to one benefits the whole.
When you wish to be cheerful, think of the virtues of those who are with you: the helpfulness of one, the modesty of another, the generosity of a third. For nothing is so cheerful as seeing virtue in a brother.
It is possible to not judge, to remain peaceful in spirit – for events themselves do not control our reactions.
No one can prevent you from living by the principles of your highest self.
How can our principles die, unless the thoughts that come with them are extinguished? We must rekindle these thoughts constantly.
You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. It is in your power to return to life.
Can I accomplish this task? If I can, I will dedicate my effort to the greater good. If I can’t, I will let a more skilled person do it – or I will simply ask for help and do the best I can. In whatever I do, I will strive to serve the greater good.
Think how many famous people are now gone and forgotten. Gone, too, are those who praised these people, and made them famous.
Don’t be embarrassed to accept help. Your job is to do what’s in front of you, like a man who must scale a wall. Suppose you had a sore leg – you might not be able to climb the wall yourself, but with another’s help, it is done.
All things are joined, and the bond that holds them is sacred. Nothing is separate from anything else. All is connected in one order, one universe, one God, one substance, one law, and one truth.
When we see each person as part of a great, sweeping melody, we will realize that to do good to another is to do good to the whole.
I am not threatened unless I judge events as being evil. And it is within my power to not view things this way.
Whatever anyone may do or say, I am committed to be good – just as an emerald says, "I am committed to be an emerald, and keep the color that is mine."
The true self has no needs, unless it creates needs for itself. In the same way, the mind is not troubled unless it allows itself to be.
When fears crop up we can say, "What are you doing here, ghost? Leave, I have no use for you. You are a product of a bad habit. I am not angry with you – simply go."
Why do we fear change? What comes to us without change? Can you take a warm bath without changing the firewood? Can you eat, without changing something? The changes in our lives are like the changes of Nature. If we see them in the right way, we will understand their value.
Only one thing troubles me: the thought that I might do something that isn’t in accord with the greater good.
It is a gift of man to love those who do wrong. And you are in possession of this gift if you can look at those who do wrong and say, "That man is my brother. He does wrong because of ignorance. We are equals, he and I. And his mistakes have no effect on my mind."
The substance of the universe – as if it were wax – takes the form of a horse, then, melting down, a tree, then a man, then something else. And every one of these forms exists for a very brief while. The eternal is a different thing.
A scowl goes against the principle of the Universe.
When a man has attacked you, try to understand his view of the world. And seeing this, you will pity him, and no longer be angry. For you will either see one who is confused like you, and you will have compassion – or you will see one who is confused like you once were, and you will have patience.
Find your peace within. The mind is content with its own right actions, and the tranquility they bring.
Leave the wrong where the wrong was done.
Choose to be simple, self-respecting, and modest. Love mankind. Follow God. Remember that everything rests in a higher order.
Euripides wrote, on behalf of us all, "The Good and the Righteous is with me."
Consider how you may live the best possible life in the time that is given you to live.
Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.
Plato said that we should look at earthly life from a higher place: the armies, the fields, the marriages, the births, deaths, the famines and feasts. We will gain a new perspective.
It is impossible for the future to escape the motion of the present.
Euripidies said, "That which is borne from the earth returns to the earth, and that which is borne from the heavens returns to the heavens."
A man may be a better wrestler, but I would like to know: Is he more open-minded? More kind? More forgiving of faults?
It is always within your power to be respectful, to behave kindly, and to discipline your thoughts so that no one can control your mind.
Consider the past to be dead. Now live from this point onward according to your highest principles.
Love what is around you. For what else is more suitable for your love?
Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will bubble up if you simply dig.
No soul willingly wants to lose truth, justice, or kindness. Remember this, and you will be more gentle toward men.
Remember that pain is not an evil, and does not injure the soul.
Perfection of character consists in this – living each day as if it were the last, and spending each moment in peace.
Why try to change your neighbor’s faults, which is impossible? Simply change your own faults, which is possible.
When you have done something good, and another has received it, don’t look for praise or something in return.
No one gets tired of receiving kindness, and to share it is to receive it.
If you want to live a happy life, throw out the thought, "How will this seem to others?" Simply live according to your principles.
Let nothing distract you, for you have wandered many times and have not found peace. Peace is not found in victory, wealth or reputation. Where, then, is it found? It is found simply in staying true to one’s principles.
When you are faced with any opportunity, ask yourself, "how do I feel about this? Shall I regret it? Or is it in line with my principles?"
Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and the great ruler Pompeius – we place them on the same level as Socrates and the philosophers. But although Alexander, Caesar, and Pompeius were rulers of the world, they were worried about many things, and slave to many. Only the philosophers were free.
This is the most important thing: do not be disturbed, for all things are in harmony with the Whole. Do your part without worry, and speak the words that are most true.
Whoever you are, you are able to shape your mind, to rise above pleasure and pain, to take no thought of fame, and to forgive all mistakes.
Whenever you do not understand someone’s actions, ask yourself, "what are this person’s attitudes toward life?" If you understand his attitudes, you will not be surprised by the way he acts – for you will see that his attitudes oblige him to act this way.
You are as free to change your mind and correct your errors as you are to persist in them.
What purpose does fault-finding have? It has none. And nothing should be done without a purpose.
Everything exists for a purpose – a horse, a vine, even the sun. What then is your purpose?
If I do anything, I try to do it for the good of all. If something happens to me, I release it to the gods and to the source of all things.
Joy comes from doing the right work of a man. And the right work of a man is to be kind, to not judge, and to respect the higher order.
We relate to the world, to God, and to our neighbors as one.
It is within the mind’s power to remain calm, and to not judge anything as evil. For every judgment is in the mind, and nothing evil can break its way in.
Wipe out all worry by saying, "it is within my power to keep my mind in peace."
Receive gifts without pride, and be willing to let them go.
God has joined man with his fellow-man. And if a man should break himself off through an unkind word or deed, God has permitted man to rejoin with the whole and again take his place.
As the Universe turns every obstacle into part of itself, we too can use every obstacle to serve our highest goals.
Do not dwell upon the troubles that have passed, but realize that everything can give way to a peaceful solution.
It is never the future or the past that troubles us, but the present. And we can train our minds to see the present in a new, peaceful light.
If you can see, see – and judge things with the highest vision.
No one can disturb your mind without your will – neither can fire or sword or a harsh word touch it. A peaceful mind is yours to choose and maintain.
I do not deserve pain, for I never try to give another pain.
One thing brings joy to this man; another to this one. My joy is to see everything with forgiving eyes, and to use everything according to my principles.
Why race after future fame, while the present moment is yours to enjoy?
"I will not be defensive" – this is how I keep my spirit at peace.
God does not bring to us what we cannot bear.
If some external event seems to bring you pain, realize that it’s not the event that pains you, but your interpretations of it. And if it is your interpretations that pain you, what prevents you from changing them?
The mind becomes strong when it touches the peace and satisfaction within.
Try not to add judgments to events. Someone speaks badly of you; this does not mean you are injured. If you must judge, judge like one who knows everything in the world.
Is the cucumber bitter? Simply put it down. Are there branches in the road? Simply step aside. That is enough to do, without getting upset.
Do not be sluggish in action, or muddled in conversation. Above all, do not let your thoughts wander.
If a man stands by a pure fountain of water, and curses it – the fountain doesn’t change. And if the man throws in dirt into the fountain, the water washes it away. When our minds are calm, they become fountains like this. How can we possess a flowing fountain, instead of a mere trickle? We must immerse ourselves in simplicity, humility, and feelings of content.
He who does not understand the Universe does not understand himself. And he who does not understand the purpose of the Universe does not understand his own purpose. Seek to know the Universe and you will know yourself.
From now on, let us not simply breathe the air that’s around us, but also think with the intelligence that is in all things.
We were brought into the world for each other. And yet – another’s mistakes are not my own, and my unhappiness is not the fault of another.
A ray of sun lights up an object, instead of knocking it down. So should our understanding be still, and quietly illuminate the obstacles in front of us.
We have come into the world for the sake of each other. Let us either help our neighbor or forgive him.
The path of the mind should be as clear as an arrow’s.
Join with everyone’s soul, and allow everyone’s soul to join with you.
We have been made to help each other. Whoever does wrong against another is acting against the Divine Purpose, and is confused.
It would be wonderful if we could live our lives without experiencing lies and cruelty and pride. But because this is impossible, the best thing is to look clearly at them and choose their opposite.
The corruption of the mind is far worse than any external corruption.
We should not be violent or defensive in the face of difficult situations. Rather, we should look calmly at them and try to uncover their higher purpose.
If you are worried about death, turn your mind upon the people and things you will leave – and now, love them dearer than you ever have.
Whoever wrongs another, wrongs himself. Whoever acts unjustly, acts unjustly toward himself.
Sometimes it is not he who acts that is wrong, but he who fails to act.
Wipe out your stray thoughts. Keep your mind’s impulses in check. Let the spirit remain in control.
All creatures share one intelligent spirit.
All who share in a common purpose move toward the same goal.
Help your brother if you can. And if you can’t, be kind. The gods are kind to men – what should stop you from being like this yourself?
Work, not wishing to be pitied or admired – but simply work with peace and calm.
Today I freed myself of all troublesome events – for I learned that trouble is not outside my mind, but inside, in my interpretations.
To a stone thrown in the air, it is not good to be tossed up and not bad to fall down.
Look within the minds of your critics, and you will see what bad critics they are of themselves. Then forgive them for their words, and take no stock in them.
Leave another’s wrong act where it is.
Think of the parts of your life – your life as a child, as a youth, as an adult, and old age. In these, every change was a death. Is this anything to be afraid of? Even the end of your life is but another of these changes.
Remember the Whole of which you are a part.
Look at this man’s actions – does he act out of ignorance or out of purpose? Either way, remember that his soul and yours are one and the same.
As you are a part of the Whole, let each act of yours be in line with the Whole.
You are troubled because you do not allow your soul to do the things it was made to do. Let it, and those things will be enough to content you.
When another person judges or hates you, go into their soul and see what is there. You will see that it is a waste of time to try to make them respect you. And yet – you must be kind to them, for they are friends and brothers in the Universal Order.
Soon the earth will cover us all, then this earth too will change, and then that will change – and on and on to eternity. A man who realizes this will not value what will change.
Don’t expect Utopia, but strive to move toward it. Even the smallest step is worth taking.
Rise up and look down from above at the herds of animals, the many journeys of men, the births and lives and deaths. Think too of the lives led by those who are past, and the lives of those to come. See that those who now praise you may soon blame you, and those who blame you will forget you. And then realize that neither fame nor anything else is worth a stray thought.
You have the power to release all the judgments which trouble you by embracing the whole Universe, and everything in it.
Learn to look at men’s souls in nakedness. When they believe that their blame hurts the world and their praise helps it, they are as ignorant as children.
Enough of this depressing way of life. Why are you troubled? What keeps you in misery? The material events in your life? They are nothing. Nothing matters, except to grow close to the gods. To spend three years on this is as worthy as a hundred.
If a man does wrong, then the pain is with him. But perhaps he did not do wrong. It is not our business to judge.
Either everything springs from a central Order, or everything is merely dust and atoms.
The gods are either powerful or powerless. If they are powerless, it is not worth praying. But if they are powerful, you should pray for the highest gifts. Don’t ask, "How can I control this person," but, "How can I lose my desire to control?" Don’t ask, "How can I get rid of this enemy," but, "How can I get rid of my thoughts of hate?" Don’t ask, "How can I keep my child safe," but, "How can I learn to trust?" Turn your prayers in this direction, and you will be surprised at what comes.
Do not desert these principles during the difficult parts of your life. Simply focus on what is happening at the moment, and ask how you should approach it.
When someone’s rudeness shocks you, immediately ask yourself, "Is it is possible for rudeness to vanish from the world?" It is not – so meet such rudeness with forgiveness and patience. Have the same thing ready for every troublemaker, every liar, and every wrongdoer. Remember too what virtue God gave to balance this mistake, and make this virtue part of you.
Every man who does wrong is suffering from a wrongly-set goal. How can you be injured by this? You will see that no wrong-doer has changed your purpose, and so you have not fallen into danger.
Why is it surprising that ignorant men do what they do? They do not know any better.
Whenever you find yourself blaming another, turn within. For you can choose whether to blame or not to blame. When you have chosen to be tolerant, what more could you want? And what more would you need anyone else to do? It will be enough to see that you live in harmony with your principles, and dwell in the peace that comes from this.
Man was created to be good, and whenever he contributes to the common good, he has done what he was created for.
When, my soul, will you be filled with peace and free of wanting? When will you be satisfied in the present moment, and understand that everything is for your good? When will you learn to see like the gods – peacefully, without a trace of worry or blame?
Every event that happens to you is either tolerable or not. If it is tolerable, then try tolerate it with patience and trust. If it is not tolerable, then you cannot. But remember that your own mind has the power to make things tolerable or intolerable through the force of its own judgments.
If your brother does wrong, support him and show him a better way. If he does not listen, do not blame him nor yourself.
Whether the world was created in chaos or in Divine order, we must still say – "I am part of the Whole." And we must remember -- "I am joined with the other parts that make up the Whole." If we remember this, we will not be troubled by anything that arises.
Nothing that blesses the Whole hurts the part. By remembering that I am part of the Whole, I will remain aware of my safety. My thoughts and actions will fall into harmony with the Whole, and I will naturally strive to serve the common good.
When we think this way, our lives will flow happily along – just as the life of a citizen flows happily along when he sees himself as part of the community, and works to help the greater good.
Each part of the Whole must someday change. But let us not judge this as evil. If any part of the Whole were evil, then every part would be evil. And how could this be? Could Nature intentionally attack her own parts? Such a thing makes no sense.
After earning these titles: "good," "modest," "honest," "generous," be careful not to trade them for others. If you should lose them for a while, quickly return to them. For if you cherish these titles in your heart – not seeking to be called them by others – you will be a changed man and will enter into a new life.
If you wish to remain charitable and good, it may help to remember the gods – and that they wish for all beings to be like themselves.
The activity of the world will erase these principles, if you let them. Be committed to keep these principles alive.
A spider is proud when it captures a fly. A man is proud when he captures a rabbit; another man when he captures a fish; another man when he captures a prisoner. Aren't all of these robbers, if you look at them closely? Let us seek something higher.
Contact the spirit in all things, and you will find great joy. For a man who does this has put aside his personal identity, and has given himself to the Universe. This man no longer worries what other men say or think of him. He is satisfied with what he does, and what has been given him. He is no longer distracted by side paths, but is content to take the straight road to God.
Why do we need worry, when we can simply ask what should be done? And if we are not able to ascertain what should be done, we can ask for help from those who can advise us.
As soon as you wake up in the morning, ask yourself, "does it matter if another man does something just and right?" It does not. Recognize that those who care about praise or blame have traded away their peace for nothing.
The peaceful man says to Nature, "Give me what you would like, and take from me what you would like." And he says this not in pride, but with a sense of common purpose.
Never talk about what it means to be a good man – instead, simply be good.
Always remember that one place is like any other; that life here is the same as it would be on the top of a mountain or by the sea. The true retreat is within you.
How important is my soul to me? What am I using it for? Am I allowing it to serve its purpose?
He who runs from his master is a runaway slave. And because the law is a master, one who breaks the law is a runaway slave. Also – one who gives in to feelings of attack is a runaway slave, for he has run from his highest purpose.
Think of the dramas that have passed, and those that are to come – the lives, the wars, the births and deaths. They are all the same; only the actors are different.
When someone does wrong, think to yourself, "how do I do wrong like this, too?" For if you ask yourself this, you will quickly forget your anger. And remember this: that this wrong-doer is compelled by his level of understanding. If you are able, help him to change.
Ask yourself, "what is the best thing that can be said or done in this situation?" Then say or do it, and do not waste time judging the event.
Remember that anything that harms the person harms the community, and anything that harms the community harms the greater good.
Homer said, "Leaves – the wind scatters them across the ground. So are the lives of men." All our problems are leaves. All the voices that blame us are leaves. Nothing that passes is anything but a scattering of leaves.
We should be ready for anything that happens, as the mill is ready for anything to grind.
Ask yourself, "why is this man doing this?" But begin with yourself, and ask yourself this first.
That which controls your life is within you. The soul is action; the soul is life; the soul, if we may say, is man. The soul is the director of everything in your life, and it uses your life as the writer uses a pen, or the weaver a loom.
The soul is complete and fulfilled at every moment, so that – if its time on earth were to be suddenly cut short – it would say, "I am ready."
The soul reaches out to the whole Universe, touches it, and understands that there is nothing new to be seen.
The soul naturally loves its neighbor, embraces truth, and values its peace above all earthly things.
You will no longer be swayed by the dances and songs of the world if you take apart their notes and examine each carefully.
Have I done something for the greater good? Then I have benefited. If you keep this in mind, you will never cease doing good.
What is your purpose? To be good. And how is this accomplished, except by honoring your highest principles?
No time or place is better suited for these ideas than this place in which you now find yourself.
A twig cut off from a branch must also be cut off from the whole tree. Similarly, a man separated from a fellow-man is separated from the whole community of men.
A man separates himself from another when he attacks or condemns. He does not realize that, in doing this, he has broken himself off from the whole.
We can walk and grow with others without sharing their mistakes.
Those who stand in your way cannot turn you from your principles, if you would not be turned. Neither should you let these people turn you from your kindness. Guard your mind against both – for it is as much an error to be turned from kindness as it is to be turned from your principles.
The things and events that disturb your peace do not affect you, except through your judgments. Do not seek things, and do not run from things either. Rather – let your mind remain in peace, untroubled, seeing truly.
Does someone resent me? Let him do so. Does someone hate me? Let him do so. For I myself will remain calm and kind, regardless of the views of others.
These men resent each other, and yet they spend their time flattering each other. They wish to rise above each other, and yet they spend their time bowing before each other.
Nothing is more troubling than the sly wolf's promise of friendship. True friendship is read silently in a person's eyes. Kindness can be sensed without a word.
It is within our power to refuse to make judgments. And it is within our power to clear our minds of them, if they should crop up. Every person has been granted the ability to keep his mind in peace.
If a person troubles you, remember that we are made for each other, to care for one another as a ram cares for a flock.
Remember that this person who troubles you is simply acting out of ignorance.
Remember that you yourself do many things wrong, and that you seek forgiveness. Extend this gift to others.
Remember that often you do not understand the whole of the situation – the basis for this person's actions.
Remember that it is not men's actions that bother us, but our own judgments and opinions of these actions. If you have trouble releasing your judgments, remember that more pain is brought on by our anger than by the actual event itself.
Remember that kindness is invincible, if it is genuine. How can a man hurt you if you gently say to him, "No, my brother. We came into the world to help each other. It is not me who is hurt by this, but you." If we say this honestly, without a trace of blame, there is no one who can hurt us. If these ideas are not enough to keep you in peace, remember that it is unfair to insist that ignorant people should not act wrongly.
In choosing how to live your life, ask yourself, "Do I want to think this thought? Will this add to social harmony? Is this coming from my higher mind and self? Is the divinity in me directing this action?"
A movement toward cruelty, anger, depression and fear is a movement away from the natural order.
He who tries to uphold several purposes in life will not walk the straight path.
Socrates used to say, "The opinions of the masses are as foolish as children's monsters."
The Pythagorians used to say, "Look to the heavens each night. You will be reminded of purity and nakedness, for a star has no veil."
Neither in writing nor in speaking will you be able to teach before you have learned. And this is even more so in daily life.
No on can rob us of free will.
You can have all the things you want right now, if you observe but one thing: You must give no thoughts to the past, trust the future to God, and spend the present in holiness and peace. In peace, that you may be content with the present moment. In holiness, that you may act in line with the harmony of the whole. And do not let another man's wrongs disturb you, nor his opinions or thoughts.
If you arrive at the final end, honoring the divinity within you, you will find peace and your place in the whole.
God sees the spirit in all men, stripped away of all its coverings. With his purity, he touches the pure within us all. If you too make this your business, you will find yourself free of all your pain.
If you strive to release from your mind all that others do or say, all that you have done or said in the past, and all concerns of a material nature; if you strive to do what is right and speak what is true; if you practice living the life that is yours in the present, you will live in peace, joined in harmony with your soul.
We generally give more weight to others' views of us than we do to our own view of ourselves.
Practice those things that you fear you may not accomplish. For even weak things can be made strong through practice.
We have the power to do only what God commands, and accept only what God gives.
We should blame neither the gods, who do no wrong; nor men, who do wrong only out of ignorance.
The light of a lamp shines brightly until the moment it is extinguished. So should we let the truth within ourselves shine brightly until our time is done.
When someone seems to have done wrong, how do I know the larger circumstances? And even if he has done wrong, how do I know he is not suffering from pain? An ignorant person must do wrong, just as the fig-tree must bear figs. If you can help this man, help him. If not, let him be.
If an action is not right, do not do it. If a statement is not true, do not say it.
Realize that you have within yourself something divine. Now – what is in your mind? What will you choose to keep there?
We see all things through the veil of our judgments. Take away your judgments, and you will clear away the storms of your mind.
A man who sees his place in the Whole is led by God toward the goal of God.
In all your actions, act as Justice itself would act.
If you could be drawn up into the air and look down upon earth, you would see how small is the drama of human life. You would look around yourself and perceive how many beings surround you in the Heavens. And you would be happy to be free.
Throw away your judgments and you are saved. Who is stopping you from doing this?
If you are troubled, remember that every person’s mind is a gift from God; that only judgments can destroy peace; and that every person lives only in the present moment, and loses only this.
Think of people who have been upset, and cursed their fate. Then think of people who found fame and riches, and were happy. Then ask yourself, "Where are they now?" It is nothing but smoke and ashes and memories. How foolish it is to strive after worldly things. It is a great deal wiser to simply present yourself honestly and faithfully to the gods, in perfect simplicity.
Pride which masquerades as humility is the most dangerous pride of all.
People ask me, "why do you honor the gods, when you have never seen them?" I answer, "I have never seen my own soul, yet I honor it too." I constantly experience the power of both my soul and the gods, and from this I understand that they exist, and deserve to be honored.
The goal in life is to see all things as they are; to act with the heart, and to speak the truth. When this is done, what remains except to enjoy life, joining one good day to another so that there is no gap in between?
The sun has one light, even though it is separated by walls and rooms. Matter has one substance, even though it is drawn into many different shapes. So, too, there is one intelligent Spirit, animating all people.
The life of a man is but a tiny thing, quickly vanishing into the eternal. Remembering this, we should think nothing to be great, except to act according to our highest principles and to accept the Will of God.
For the man who is content in the present moment, even death has lost its sting.
Brother, you are a citizen of this great community of souls. What does it matter whether for ten years or fifty? "But I have only been here for three acts, not five," you say. You may be right, but God determines the nature of the play. Trust him to give you the role that is best.
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